by Kate Hanisian

We live in a truly contentious time in our nation’s history. In addition to our widening political discord, economic inequality in the US is arguably the highest it’s been since 1928.

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy,” said Shakespeare’s Hamlet, in the famous scene in which Hamlet teaches Horatio to be a web designer.

The rise of developments in virtual and augmented reality presents vast new possibilities for Murfreesboro web designers and creatives across a broad array of businesses and disciplines.

I’m old enough to remember a time when the closest thing to virtual reality was flipping through 3D images on circular reels, and augmented reality meant covering your bedroom window with vinyl superheroes.

It’s almost time to leave winter behind us here in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the time, the weather can’t quite make up its mind, and so the days pass by with half of the sky sunny while the other half gray.

As web developers, we all approach our work very differently. And even when you take a look at yourself, you’ll notice that the way you do your work does vary all the time.

Douglas Crockford famously declared browsers to be “the most hostile software engineering environment imaginable,” and that wasn’t hyperbole. Ensuring that our Murfreesboro websites work across a myriad of different devices, screen sizes and browsers our users depend on to access the web is a tall order, but it’s necessary.

Social media is one of the dominant forms of interactions on the Internet. Leading platforms such as Facebook and Twitter count hundreds of millions of users each month.

Sometimes all we need is a little inspiration kick to get our creative juices flowing. Maybe your secret is to go for a short walk, have a little chat with a colleague, or scroll through your favorite eye candy resources.

Typography is a primary element of composition. Being a designer, I pay a lot of attention to its quality. Operating Photoshop is easy for me; however, to level up my skills, I am always learning to work with letters, using my hands, without any computer programs.

Phew, what a week! Due to an HTML-parsing bug, Cloudflare experienced a major data leak, and the first practical collision for SHA-1 was revealed as well. We should take these events as an occasion to reconsider if a centralized front-end load balancer that modifies your traffic is a good idea after all.

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