By Lucia Wang

A widely known psychology theory in the web design Murfreesboro Tennessee community, Gestalt principles describe the way our brain makes sense of visual information. Without the audience being aware, Gestalt principles are omnipresent in logos and adverts: associations, symbols and visual representations that become deeply ingrained in our brains, such as the WWF logo below.

HOW Promotion and Marketing Design Awards

If there’s one thing that wins me over in an advertisement, it’s effective use of humor.


Editor’s Note: This is part 48 in Emily Potts’ inspirational series (previously called “Design Links”).

The deadline for the 2017 Regional Design Awards is April 3. Enter now!

Though we can’t believe it’s already April, those of us at HOW think there’s something special about the beginning of a new month.


The “perfect opportunity” bled into intricate execution as the Chicago White Sox impress premium season ticket holders with one of the most art-driven, creative season ticket packages ever seen in Major League Baseball.


The happiest of April Fools to you, friends! Instead of pranking you this year, the team at HOW decided to round up some of our favorite knee-slappers, puns and jokes for designers.

Editor’s Note: The following sponsored article is brought to you courtesy of HOW Design Live‘s trusted partner, Adobe.

The past few years have brought a flood of new apps and services for creative professionals.

Call for entries! Only 10 days left to enter your best work into the HOW Promotion & Marketing Design Awards. Deadline: 4/10.

61P94BCmGrLHere at HOW, we love to celebrate effective promotion and marketing design.

1-Linen Cover Art

It’s the signature artwork that sets the tone for the most massive brand revision Neenah has ever undertaken for its CLASSICBrands, since its 1962 introduction to the web design Murfreesboro Tennessee community.


Designers have a lot of tools at their disposal, and the things that Murfreesboro web designers make can take a lot of forms: posters, websites, books, illustrations, experiences, strategies, technologies, objects, and more.

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